30Aug, 24
Agroecological Practices

Farmers urged to embrace agroecology

AGRICULTURE minister Anxious Masuka has urged farmers to embrace agroecology, saying it mitigates the effects of climate change and promotes sustainable agriculture. Agroecology optimises the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment while also addressing the need for socially equitable food systems within which people can exercise choice over what they eat and how and where it is produced.

29Aug, 24
Agroecological Practices

ZIMSOFF women and youths articulations meet the Parliamentary Portfolio committee on Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development, Government of Zimbabwe

What started as a discussion on agricultural policies in Zimbabwe and the policy making process, among the ZIMSOFF women and youth articulation ended in a fruitful policy dialogue between the two groups and the Portfolio Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 24th of June 2024.

06Aug, 24
Agroecological Practices

Women urged to embrace agroecology to fight patriarchy

Women have been urged to embrace agroecology for empowerment to fight against the patriarchal nature in the Southern African region. This came out this week at the inaugural Regional Agroecology Conference which ended yesterday in Harare. Speaking at the conference, Dr. Jo Abbort, Deputy Ambassador of the United Kingdom Embassy said despite women constituting around 70% of household labour in rural communities, they are often marginalised in social and economic spheres.

31Jul, 24
Agroecological Practices

Zimbabwe: Peasant Agroecology transforms Shashe community

Inappropriate seed and seed varieties, the loss of agro-biodiversity, insufficient inputs, degrading soils, and recurrent droughts are just a few of the many factors that have contributed to low crop productivity among smallholder farmers in resource-poor communities in Zimbabwe and much of the global south. Climate change is now making these threats worse. The Shashe Agroecology School for peasant farmers offers hope.

15Jul, 24
Agroecological Practices

ZIMSOFF partners Parliamentarians in driving agroecology to address GBV and drug abuse

In partnership with Parliamentarians, the Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF) is fighting gender-based violence (GBV) and drug and substance abuse in communities by implementing various agroecology mechanisms. Agroecology is a holistic approach to agriculture that seeks to optimize the interactions between plants, animals, humans, and the environment while also addressing the need for socially equitable food systems.

29Jun, 24
Agroecological Practices

Agroecology shields Zimbabwean farmers from drought spell

With utmost pride, Marova Moyo admired the lush green butter beans in her garden in Mutoko, a district in Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe. For the 62-year-old farmer, nothing is as therapeutic as witnessing the legumes flourish under her care. Despite the El Nino-induced drought facing Zimbabwe, Moyo and her husband, Abel Katsande, still harvested enough grains to last them until the next harvest, thanks to climate-smart farming practices that ensure the sustainable use of land and resources

26Jun, 24
Agroecological Practices

ZIMSOFF participates at the launch of the Gender and Climate Change Task Force: A good but not adequate step!

ZIMSOFF has been actively involved in advocacy work to advance farmer felt needs regarding a broad range of issues including peasant rights, climate justice, gender, agroecology. With climate change adding another layer of challenges to those already faced by women, the need to have a gender sensitive policy and structures to mitigate the impacts of climate change on women is imperative. Unlike agricultural practices, advocacy work is a long and tenacious process that takes long to yield results. Advocacy is not a path for the weak willed-it requires character and determination!

26Jun, 24
Agroecological Practices

Shashe Agroecology School continues to shine as a European Union delegation tours!

On the 15th of May, a delegation consisting of Heads of Cooperation from EU member states that were the Deputy Ambassadors from the Embassies of Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Ireland, and the European Union and representatives from organizations implementing EU-funded projects, namely COSPE, Action Against Hunger, LIPS-ZIM, and SKI, VSO, visited the Shashe Agroecology School to gain a deeper understanding of the resilience of agriculture in Zimbabwe in the face of worsening climate change, to identify current and potential areas of cooperation, and discuss the main challenges faced during implementation of various agroecological interventions.

17Jul, 23

Hitting the ground running with UNDROP in Zimbabwe

 Building on the results of a recent peasant led baseline survey to assess local knowledge gaps on peasant rights, popular feminism and leadership and governance, ZIMSOFF held a two-day national workshop in May (from the 29th to 30th) on Peasant Rights as provided for under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other People Working in the Rural Areas (UNDROP).

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